Friday, September 6, 2013

How My Life Was Changed By The Corvette

How My Life Was Changed By The Corvette- By Reginald Woof

Because I am such a sophisticated dog, I find it very difficult to get excited about such petty things as chasing balls and chewing on bones. I spend my days investigating the household, reading the ingredients on my food that comes in a bag- they better not have bought generic again... and watching through the window at the boring cars that pass through the neighborhood.

As I was performing my ritual of lazing in the front window, I saw the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. My heart fluttered, which quite frankly has never happened before. My human drove up in a 2013 Chevy Corvette. I was taken aback, because my human doesn't typically have good taste. That is, I had never seen him pull up in something so perfect before. There it was in all it's glory, glistening with top of the line, state of the art technology, beaming exterior and a sleek interior.

I still remember that day, and I will never forget what falling in love feels like. Every day that my human pulls into the driveway, I feel whole again. I guess he kind of likes his new ride, too.

Sir Walter Chevrolet 

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